Ancestors of John Michael Akers

  1. Generation 4
    1. Thomas Mountain, son of William Mountain and Mary Dawson, was born in 1826 in Crayke, Yorkshire, ENG and died in September 1907 in Great Ouseburn, Yorkshire, ENG at the age of 81.

    2. Rachel Lockwood or Mary

      Rachel Lockwood, daughter of John Lockwood, was born between October 1825 and December 1825 in Epworth, Lincolnshire, ENG.

    3. John Duke was born in 1847 in Seaton, Yorkshire, ENG and died in 1935 at the age of 88.

    4. Annie Jackson was born in 1847 in Malton, Yorkshire, ENG and died in 1932 at the age of 85.

  2. Generation 5 back to top
    1. William Mountain, son of Joseph Mountain and Amelia Waite, was baptised on 24 August 1768 in Kirkby Overblow, Yorkshire, ENG.

    2. John Lockwood, son of Thomas Lockwood, was born in 1798 in Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, ENG.

  3. Generation 6 back to top
    1. Joseph Mountain, son of Francis Mountain and Isabel Briggs, was born in 1745 and died in Kirkby Overblow, Yorkshire, ENG.

    2. Amelia Waite was born in 1747 in Spofforth, Yorkshire, ENG.