Frequently asked questions

How to register a new user account

How to register a new user account

Click on the "Login" link at the top of the page.


Then, select "Request new user account".


Complete all boxes on the form, ensuring that the password is at least 6 characters in length.  All boxes on the form must be completed.  Please include in the comments section your link to the tree.


You should then click "Request new user account", and this will result in a page informing you that you have been sent an email.  This is in order to ensure the email address you provided is valid.  The email is sent immediately, so should be with you almost instantly (depending on your email software).


Click on the link in the email you receive.  The resulting web page will be completed automatically, except for the password.  You should enter your chosen password and submit the form.


Once you have completed the above process the system administrator will be automatically asked to approve your application, and you will receive an email once the process is complete.