May Robson, 19231996 (aged 72 years)

May Robson
May /Robson/
Given names
Also known as
May /Dowd/
Media object
May Robson
May Robson

Descendants of May Robson

  1. Generation 1
    1. May Robson

      May Robson was born on 5 November 1923 in Guisborough, Yorkshire, ENG and died on 30 October 1996 in London, ENG at the age of 72.

      She married James William Dowd, son of James Dowd and Henrietta Elizabeth Slater.

Ancestors of May Robson

  1. Generation 1
    1. May Robson

      May Robson was born on 5 November 1923 in Guisborough, Yorkshire, ENG and died on 30 October 1996 in London, ENG at the age of 72.