1901 England - Census transcript - Abraham Armitage - Household

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1901 England - Census transcript - Abraham Armitage - Household

Abraham ArmitageheadMar29Wooldale, Yorkshire, ENG
Alice Ann ArmitagewifeMar41
John ArmitagefatherMar67Kirkburton, Yorkshire, ENG
Eliza ArmitagemotherMar65Kirkburton, Yorkshire, ENG
Herbert Armitageyounger brotherUnm26Kirkburton, Yorkshire, ENG
Emily Armitageelder sisterWid41Kirkburton, Yorkshire, ENG
Fred Armitageyounger brotherUnm19Kirkburton, Yorkshire, ENG

Not sure on who was head of household - need to check actual census record

Last change
29 April 202115:49:31
Author of last change: slateronline
Given namesSurnameBirth Place Death AgePlace
165 3 before 1970
153 3 101 52
165 1 103 62
143 0 67 76
150 4 77 72
191 14 122 69
189 14 114 75
Showing 1 to 7 of 7
Given namesSurnameAgeGiven namesSurnameAgeMarriage Place
No records to display
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