1851 England - Census transcript - Joseph Stancliffe - Household

Shared note

1851 England - Census transcript - Joseph Stancliffe - Household
Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, ENG

Joseph StancliffeheadMar38Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, ENG
Ann StancliffewifeMar37Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, ENG
Sarah Ann Stancliffedaughter12
Luke StancliffesonUnm10
Martha StancliffedaughterUnm8
Mary StancliffedaughterUnm8
John Stancliffeson6
Ellen StancliffedaughterUnm4
William StancliffesonUnm1
Last change
28 February 201616:43:17
Author of last change: slateronline
Given namesSurnameBirth Place Death AgePlace
211 11 158 52
178 0 before 1957
180 1 117 63
212 11 before 1923
184 0 before 1951
182 0 before 1953
182 0 before 1953
186 0 before 1949
175 0 before 1960
Showing 1 to 9 of 9
Given namesSurnameAgeGiven namesSurnameAgeMarriage Place
No records to display
Showing 0 to 0 of 0