1871 UK Census transcript - Henry Slater - Household

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1871 UK Census transcript - Henry Slater - Household
Sutton On The Forest, Yorks, ENG

Henry ‘Harry’ SlaterheadM36MWhenby, Yorks, ENG
Ann SlaterwifeM33FEasingwold, Yorks, ENG
Anna SlaterdaughterS11FFlaxton, Yorks, ENG
John SlatersonS9MLilling, Yorks, ENG
Matthew SlatersonS6MSheriff Hutton, Yorks, ENG
Charles Henry SlatersonS1MSutton On The Forest, Yorks, ENG
Last change
16 July 201510:12:01
Author of last change: slateronline
Given namesSurnameBirth Place Death AgePlace
187 10 before 1948
165 0 before 1970
155 0 before 1980
estimated 1832 10 109
163 0 before 1972
160 12 76 83
Showing 1 to 6 of 6
Given namesSurnameAgeGiven namesSurnameAgeMarriage Place
No records to display
Showing 0 to 0 of 0